Label Examples
Efficiency Vermont
This is a label from Efficiency Vermont. To learn more and to see what is included on the back, visit:

Springfield Massachusetts' Home MPG
This is a label from Massachusetts’s 2012-2014 Residential Energy Rating Initiative. To learn more and to see what was included on the back, visit: and

Columbia Water & Light's Efficiency Score
Scorecard used by Columbia Water & Light highlighting 2 metrics. To learn more visit:

Portland Home Energy Score
The City of Portland's scorecard for a mandatory time-of-listing home energy score program. This score card will also be used for new homes with essentially the same info on the 1st (front) page, but with no 2nd page. To learn more about the program visit:

Missouri’s Home Energy Certification Program
Scorecard used with Missouri’s Home Energy Certification program. To learn more about the program and to see a higher-resolution sample gold label and a sample silver label, visit:

REM/Rate HERS Certificate
Sample Home Energy Rating Certificate from REM/Rate that clearly highlights the HERS Index score. Image Source: Accessed 2/2/2018

Ekotrope HERS Certificate
Sample first page of an Ekotrope report that clearly highlights the HERS Index score. Image Source: Accessed 5/10/2018